Product Designer

Set Design

Set Design


During my undergrad, I picked up a passion for set design. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of choosing a play, envisioning a location for it to be set, researching an image to use as inspiration, and constructing a miniature model to bring the play to life.

The Design Process:

The set-building process is an immersive experience— I spent days on end working to get one model ready. My design process comprised of three stages: research, box choice, and model construction. Below is an example of the design process I followed while constructing a set for ‘The Christians’, by Lucas Hnath.

Retrieved From: DecorDev

Retrieved from: DecorDev


First, I researched images of appropriate locations to set the play. I found the best location to be a church dais, so I searched dozens of viable photos for inspiration.

Ultimately I landed on the image on the left (cited below the image), as it evoked a sense of modernism and authenticity.


Before making the miniature model, I had to choose a box to place it in. The box would dictate the scale of theater, as well as the perspective of the audience. The options varied from a minute 1/8 inch scale to a grand opera-sized box.

On the left is the 1/4 inch scale box I chose for The Christians.


Now for the fun part. With a box chosen, I constructed a miniature diorama using the church image as guidance. I used a laser cutter, an Xacto blade, and some super glue to build each minor detail as accurately as I could.

It was important to intermittently place the items in the box and pretend I was viewing the play from each extreme angle an audience member could have. This ensured all theatrical elements were visible, and kept the set perspective in check,.

The Archive:

Below are the sets I constructed over the course of my junior/senior year:




Research: There’s no shame in imitating. Just remember to cite your sources.

Prototypes: If there’s a laser cutter lying around, use it.

Set Design: The set is a major character of the play, so give it personality. Match the level of detail to the level of depth you envision it having.

Source Material: Read it thoroughly. A simple moment of entrance/exit can change your whole plan for the set.